Text messaging is a useful and efficient way to quickly communicate with your fans. Stay in touch regarding event dates, event locations, promotions, and last second updates.
Band members are realizing that the old way of reaching their loyal following through flyers, phone calls, letters, and even email are unreliable and inefficient. Everyday, more and more band are turning to our bulk text message service to stay in touch with fans, event booking managers, and venues. Use mass text messaging to relay your message and updates in seconds.
How Band Text Messaging Works
Getting your band started using text messages is easy. Fans can opt in to receive SMS text notifications by either texting a keyword to a toll free number or by entering their number on a band’s SMS opt-in website page. You can create different keywords for different messages to keep things organized. You can fully customize text campaigns to your band’s needs to ensure simple and consistent messaging across the board.
Example: Let’s say you have an event booked for January 29. You want to make it easy for fans to receive optional but helpful notifications of where you’ll be playing; such as location, date and time. You might select a keyword that is related to the venue name or music genre. Then, you can ask fans to text the word ‘CANCUN’ or ‘POPMUSIC’ to a dedicated toll free phone number provided by Text2VIP. Now, those fans can receive alerts and reminders. We also offer QR codes to add to your print marketing material!
Auto Reply
The auto-reply is an automated response sent to the person who signed up via text message. With an auto-reply message, your fans will be able to confirm that they’ve subscribed to the list. You may now begin messaging this person as well as any other opt-ins you’ve received for this campaign. This is an effective way to share a link, such as Facebook or Instagram, where your fan can interact with and share your music.
Other Applications of SMS Messaging for Bands
Voting and Feedback
Another common application of Text2VIP’s platform for bands is the use of SMS voting and feedback. Bands stand to benefit from input given by their fans – and fans often enjoy giving input to their favorite bands.
Utilizing our voting feature, you can easily create and share custom polls with fans directly through texting. There may be no simpler way to solicit feedback from fans than through SMS. Furthermore, the band text message program can send a text message blast to parents which includes a link to event schedules, ticket purchase portals, or social media profiles.
Text Blasts
The first and most common need for a band to establish a text message program is to send event notifications. After all, fan loyalty and following is a pretty important aspect of being in a band.
Why Text Messaging for Bands?
When it comes to affordability, ease of use, and ubiquity, no other communication channel even comes close to the use of text messaging for bands.
According to the Mobile Marketing Agency, in 2020 93% of all text messages received were read within the first 5 minutes, with an overall read rate in excess of 98%.
It’s a fact that your fans are always within arm’s reach of their mobile devices. Unlike apps that require several hurdles like downloading, checking for updates, and turning on notifications, SMS is easily accessible and the clear choice for a communication channel that is sure to deliver.
No credit card is required and there are no contracts. Get started today or contact us at 888-813-8398.